Wednesday, April 3, 2013

"One for the Money"

-Eliminating Debt

One that really stood out to me was budgeting. To get to the bottom of it, it really makes it easier to say "no". We talked about finances as being one of the factors in divorce. I think it all boils down to how we prioritize and divi up our income. But first things first, and that is giving back ten percent to the Lord. Some people talked about how to set an account where that automatically takes care of that. And others are pretty traditional. But I think it's very important that the Lord is first. This is a principle that has govern the kingdom upon the earth without any stumbling block. It shows the faith of the members and their willingness to build the kingdom.
Eliminating debt is creating more freedom and room to breathe. We have to identify what's needed and discard the wants for the sake of our marriage and happiness in that marriage. There are times when things are necessary to loan money for, but there's also the time to say no.
By eliminating debt we can also save money and pay other debts faster. The faster we become debt free, the more we gather and the happier our family will be.

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